Monday, December 2, 2013

Saving object composition from complexity

In my last post about object composition, I concluded that simple composition approaches don't work because of the mismatch between compile-time and run-time information. But I realized a few days later that I can define a simple composition.

The trick is to cheat: come up with the answer I want first, and then work backwards to fill in the rest!

What I do is to add a new step at the beginning of composition. In this step, we start out with a "composition target." We then fold the composition operands' components in two phases: first the ones that are part of the target, and then the rest.

What's the target type? At compile time, it's empty; at run time, it's the compile-time type.

As always, I'll illustrate with an example. In fact, I'll use the same example as before. Here's the background stuff:

type List[A] =
    ... (put/get)
    size -> Int
type Box[A] = ... (put/get)

type Container:
  isEmpty -> Bool -- abstract method

type Container Box[A]:
  @override isEmpty -> Bool = TODO

intsList : List[Int] = list(1, 2, 3)
intsBox : Box[Int] = box(4)

tmp = intsBox <?> Container
intsContainer : Container = tmp

... and here's the composition:

composed = intsContainer <?> intsList
composedSize = composed2.size

The problem we had before was that intsContainer is only a Container at compile-time, but it's a Box[Int] <?> Container at runtime. When Container is composed with List[Int] at compile time, no conflicts are found, so the resulting type is Container <?> List[Int]. But at run time, Box[Int] and List[Int] collide and cancel each other out, and the resulting object is only a Container, which doesn't have a size method.

The composition target saves the day. Everything works the same at compile time, leading to a type of Container <?> List[Int]. At run time, we take the following steps:

  1. Decompose both operands, so that the composition is (Box[Int] <?> Container) <?> List[Int].
  2. The target type is Container <?> List[Int], so take those components out of the composition and fold them into the resulting object. We now have:
    • A folded object of Container <?> List[Int]
    • Remaining object of (Box[Int] <?> ∅) <?> ∅, which simplifies to just Box[Int].
  3. Fold the rest of the components (just Box[Int]). Box[Int] collides with List[Int], so discard it — and there's nothing else to fold.

So the resulting object is a Container <?> List[Int], which is exactly what we expected at compile time!

I wrote above that the target type at compile time is empty, but even that can be improved upon: it's the closest available explicit type declaration, if any. So, if you had:

boxContainer = intsBox <?> Container
composed2 = boxContainer <?> intsList

... then it would result in a compile-time error, since intsBox : Box[Int] collides with intsList : Box[Int] (they both define put and get methods). But if you had:

composed3 : List[Int] = boxContainer <?> intsList

... then the target type is List[Int], meaning that this gets folded in first. When the conflict with Box[Int] is detected in the second folding stage, Box[Int] is discarded. The resulting type of the composition (this is all at compile time, remember) is List[Int] <?> Container, which is then "upcast" to List[Int] when it's assigned to composed3.

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